County Planning Board Approves Birchwood Development

October 28, 2013

Re: Birchwood and Recent Actions by the County of Union

Dear Resident,

As Republican candidates for Cranford Township Committee we want to bring you up to date on recent action concerning the proposed development on Birchwood Avenue.

Attached is a letter sent to Cranford, on behalf of the Union County Planning Board, dated September 9, 2013. According to the Union County Planning Board, the application by the developers would cause “no significant impact to county roads or drainage facilities as currently submitted.” As we know, traffic from Orange Avenue feeds into two County roads, Kenilworth Boulevard and Springfield Avenue. To say those roads and drainage facilities will not be impacted by the development of 360 residential units, with 666 parking spaces, and a garage, is nothing short of an outrage.

We are committed in our opposition to the Birchwood Development. If elected, we intend to find out how and why this County application was approved without any apparent chance for an objection by the Township of Cranford. The application was received on or about August 27, 2013 by the County and was approved in only six business days. When was the last time our county government moved that quickly? Our questions to the Mayor at a recent Township Committee remain unanswered.

At last Thursday's televised candidate debate, our Democratic opponents claimed that the approval of the Union County Planning Board of the Birchwood Avenue site plan was a "non-issue". That position is alarming and we strongly disagree. At the very least, our Township Committee should be addressing this finding with a letter of protest. As the appeal against the Birchwood decision moves forward, our elected officials have a duty to the people of this town to take every opportunity to solidify our case. Asking voters to disregard the County’s letter is unacceptable, and should be part of your consideration when you vote on November 5th.

Thank you for your attention.

Mary O’Connor             Bob D’Ambola

Candidates for Cranford Township Committee

Paid for by O’Connor & D’Ambola for Township Committee, Karen Capone, Treasurer, 37 Arlington Road, Cranford, NJ 07016

Letter from the County Planning Board
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